January 14, 2007

Running Log Ending January 14th, 2007

I covered 37 miles during the past week-which is right on target for weekly mileage this far before the Greenway Marathon in early March. The individual runs this week were comprised of: on Tuesday; 9 miles, Wednesday; 6 miles, and Thursday; 6 miles. For the remaining mileage this last Saturday Jane and I ran with the trail runners group over a 17 mile section of the Greenway Trail in upper Montgomery County that is also part of the Greenway Trail Marathon course. See the picture below to get a sense of how the trail looks this time of year. It was a wonderful day, temps in the 40s and overcast. I completed the 17 mile section in 3 hrs 15 minutes, tired and muddy. To begin the day, we parked at Riffle Ford Rd. (see lower map) and were ferried up to Damascus Recreational Park (see upper map) which is also where the race starts. And we just started running. The organizers of this run had stashed jugs of water and food (cookies and pretzels) at a couple different stops along the way. The first was right after crossing Brink Rd. Along the way we ran under a picturesque train trestel, saw a few deer and ran by Lake Clopper. On race day, if you make the cut-off time you can opt to run an additional 3-4 miles around Lake Clopper to complete the 50K course. Otherwise, you'll just run the ~28 mile marathon course. We were really impressed at how beautiful most of the course is even though the park is not all that wide in any one spot and passes through a densely populated region. We looking forward to the race.

1 comment:

Michael P. Rellahan said...

This is getting BOOORING!!!!