November 15, 2007

The Glass Castle

Wow....much like Angela'a Ashes this is an amazing story of childhood survival under bizarre conditions. The book is an autobiographical account of Jeannette Walls's early childhood growing-up in a clearly dysfunctional family. Constantly on the move to avoid bill-collectors, her dad (a sometimes alcoholic) and mom (a free-spirited artist) still managed to teach their children complex mathematical and physics principles and encouraged reading. However, the rest was up to the kids to manage on their own. Which they did---mostly. Ironically, after an impoverished childhood, Jeannette Walls eventual became a reporter chronicling the lives of the rich and famous. Anyway, think you had a tough time growing-up and your parents could have done a better job. Read The Glass Castle and then wistfully think back to how lucky you (we) had it. All the Jetsons read this book and like it--thanks to Jane's sister for suggesting this book.

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