September 23, 2006

Water World

I wanted to post a couple of pictures of the fish in my aquarium. I have a 20G long planted aquarium and a few fish. I planted the aquarium with several Amazon Swords, Vallerseria, Crypts, Java Moss and Java Fern. The substrate is Fluorite base with gravel on top. Occassionally I hook-up a homemade CO2 set-up and have have three lights set on timers; 20-60 Watts per gallon to provide enough light for good plant growth. For fish, I have swordtails, one dwarf gourami, a couple ruby-nose tetras, two plecos and three catfish. I have tried to photograph some of the fish but can't capture the fish that are moving but have a couple nice pictures of the catfish. I've had my aquarium for 6 months, have had Ich that killed my tetras, a gourami seared by the heater, transgender swordtails that keep making more baby swordtails, blackbeard algae and one of my catfish currently has a white fungus on several of his, or her, fins.
But I really enjoy this set-up and the quality it has lent to the basement laundry-dressing room area. I will try to find out how to better photograph the set-up and post at a later date if successful. Right now, just the fish I have been able to photograph are the ones that sit still for awhile.

At some point I would like to get a little larger set-up and more interesting fish. I like the various catfish, but the swimming ones are not very interesting. I not sure whether I like the plants or fish more but think it both. I have contrasted an attractive planted tank with saltwater set-ups and the planted tanks in my opinion are far superior in eye-catching interest. I'll post other aquarium posts under Water World.

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