February 05, 2008

Wisdom is Wasted on the Young

Judy's wisdom teeth have been bothering her and we're going to have them removed on Thursday. The bottom set have come through her gums, but at wierd angles, and the top pair are impacted. She'll be under general anethesia for the approximately 1 1/2 hour procedure. Judy was concerned that as her wisdom teeth come in they'll unalign her other teeth.....which look perfect. What I don't understand if why these teeth, that emerge in the late teens, are considered "wisdom" teeth. Teenagers are neither mature nor wise. In fact, this is the age when one is most likely to make some really regrettable mistakes in one's life. Maybe I'm just speaking form personal experience, but I think they should be called something like....."whoops" or "OMG" teeth.

Anyway, here are Judy's wisdom teeth the day they were pluck out......yuk!

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