October 04, 2006

Rosey Gets a Pimple Popped

Rosey had a runaway pimple on her chin, according to the mobile-vet. Jane and I have not been happy with our normal vet and tried this mobile service. Anyway, the prescription was tough love. Jane had to popped Rosey's pimple. Rosey was very good, I don't think it bothered her as much as the rest of us watching. Jane used a needle sterilized with hydrogen peroxide to lance the fluid-filled swelling under her chin; a fair amount of liquid (thankfully, not pus) flowed out. We also found out that she has some fungus growing on her claws that we (by we I mean Jane) will have to scrub occasionally. Gosh, getting old isn't fun for people or animals.

1 comment:

Michael P. Rellahan said...

Yeah! More posts like this! Maybe involving pus!

Then maybe stool samples from Astro!

Michael P.